Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My father recently, well one year ago, asked me to paint him a portrait. It's taken so long to get to this point and still it doesn't feel finished. It shows me how much I have to learn about light, mixing colors and creating a feeling and theme in which to reflect your feelings about the subject matter. Our family home has a wonderful sunlit music room with my Mums grand piano and a beautiful Blue Cypress tree my brother and I climbed as a child. It felt like the right setting for my Dad to be, in a light magical setting, he has been the wisdom and back bone of our family and I love him very dearly. A very knowledgeable worldly character, my impetus was to try and create the idea that he has a mind of wonder and awe, so above his crown there needed to be a symbolism and felt that a spectrum of light twinkling through the tree branches could achieve this. This digital ink is ready to dry for now :)

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